Series UL- 805

  • Used for lifting & handling of steel plates, heavy block & castings as well as heavy round or cylindrical parts.
  • The 1 : 3.5 or 1:3 time safety factor of the recommended load to the test load ensures use at optimal
  • working conditions even with substantial air gaps & surface conditions. Compact design, strong magnetic pull, total work safety
  • Easy operated lever for ON-OFF.
  • Spring loaded block at side for safety feature.
  • Suitable for Flat & Round jobs.
  • No damage on job during operation.
  • We Also Undertake Calibration with form No. 11 and Repairing of All Types of Permanent Magnetic Lifter
Permanent Magnetic Lifters, Electromagnetic Lifter, Magnetic Lifters

Permanent Magnetic Lifters, Electromagnetic Lifter, Magnetic Lifters
Permanent Magnetic Lifters, Electromagnetic Lifter, Magnetic Lifters
Permanent Magnetic Lifters, Electromagnetic Lifter, Magnetic Lifters
Permanent Magnetic Lifters, Electromagnetic Lifter, Magnetic Lifters

Permanent Magnetic Lifters, Electromagnetic Lifter, Magnetic Lifters Permanent Magnetic Lifters, Electromagnetic Lifter, Magnetic Lifters

Tasted Capacity 1 : 3.5 Times

Sr. No. Cat No. Size ( mm ) Weight
( Height is without hook )
Lifting Capacity
for flat job
Tested Capacity
for flat job ( 1 : 3.5 Times )
0 UL - 80500 90L x 65W x 85H 100kg 350kg 4kg
1 UL - 80501 170L x 85W x 105H 200kg 700kg 9kg
2 UL - 80502 170L x 85W x 105H 250kg 875kg 9kg
3 UL - 80503 230L x 85W x 105H 300kg 1050kg 13kg
4 UL - 80504 230L x 85W x 105H 450kg 1575kg 14kg
5 UL - 80512 260L x 85W x 105H 500kg 1750kg 14kg
6 UL - 80505 255L x 110W x 130H 600kg 2100kg 25kg
7 UL - 80506 290L x 110W x 130H 700kg 2450kg 30kg
8 UL - 80507 350L x 130W x 135H 1000kg 3500kg 45kg
9 UL - 80508 395L x 150W x 160H 1500kg 5250kg 68kg
10 UL - 80509 460L x 170W x 185H 2000kg 7000kg 103kg

Tasted Capacity 1 : 3 Times

Sr. No. Cat No. Size ( mm ) Weight
( Height is without hook )
Lifting Capacity
for flat job
Tested Capacity
for flat job ( 1 : 3 Times )
0 UL - 80500 / A 90L x 65W x 85H 100kg 300kg 4kg
1 UL - 80501 / A 170L x 85W x 105H 200kg 600kg 9kg
2 UL - 80502 / A 170L x 85W x 105H 250kg 750kg 9kg
3 UL - 80503 / A 230L x 85W x 105H 300kg 900kg 13kg
4 UL - 80504 / A 230L x 85W x 105H 450kg 1350kg 14kg
5 UL - 80512 / A 260L x 85W x 105H 500kg 1500kg 14kg
6 UL - 80505 / A 255L x 110W x 130H 600kg 1800kg 25kg
7 UL - 80506 / A 290L x 110W x 130H 700kg 2100kg 30kg
8 UL - 80507 / A 350L x 130W x 135H 1000kg 3000kg 45kg
9 UL - 80508 / A 395L x 150W x 160H 1500kg 4500kg 68kg
10 UL - 80509 / A 460L x 170W x 185H 2000kg 6000kg 103kg
11 UL - 80510 / A 555L x 270W x 270H 3000kg 9000kg 280kg
12 UL - 80511/ A 715L x 350W x 310H 5000kg 15000kg 540kg